To Marriage, Parenthood, and Beyond. . .

Keepin' up with the Jones'...or Joneses...which ever one. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New house and letters

Nusery and Ashers bathroom

Our new house!

New House, and in 2 weeks 5 days a new baby!

Summer is finally here!!! It was sad packing up my entire classroom at Teague, but it faded quickly when Monday rolled around and I didn't have to go to work!

We finally moved in our new house. Moving is so tough, and I think being 8.5 months pregnant makes it harder! I have really had carpal tunnel flare up using my arms so much. This has been my only complaint this entire pregnancy, so I'll take a few sleepless nights at the very end instead of all the other possible side effects. We had living room furniture delivered that we bought months ago, so that was exciting to see what it looked like. :)

My wonderful sister in laws and friends put together the furniture in Asher's nursery. I put together the pack n' play, and Grant successfully hung the TV over the fire place. :) My mother-in-law came and helped me hang the wall decorations in the nursery and get semi organized. I think that I fully feel prepared, as far as material things go, for this new baby!

My mom recently went to Chicago and found that her brain radiation was very successful. Out of 8 tumors she had 6 go away, and 2 are still shrinking. Praise the Lord for any good news we are given! My parents recently went on a 3 day trip with my Aunt Linda and Uncle Gene to Palo Duro Canyon to see an outdoor play. They stayed in Aunt Linda and Uncle Gene's RV, and had a blast cooking out and camping.

My dad and her are very excited about the baby coming. They are coming the Friday before I'm being induced. If little man is not here by Monday the 28th, I will go in to the hospital that night and be induced on the 29th. If all goes well, he will be here that afternoon!!!! I hope that I don't to be induced, but I'm so glad to have a game plan and know that he will be out on the 29th!! No offense Asher, but I'm tired of being pregnant. :)

I posted pictures of our new house and Asher's nursery above.