To Marriage, Parenthood, and Beyond. . .

Keepin' up with the Jones'...or Joneses...which ever one. :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mom after the hospital washed her hair

Here is mom prepped for surgery

Mom finally gets to go home

Mom was here for 3 and a half weeks. Her brain was operated on and the
lesion was removed successfully. When she comes back on Sunday she
will start radiation and chemotherapy for the lung cancer. We have
loved the family and friends that have come to visit. Please continue
to have this horrible cancer in your prayers.

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

I forgot..Hershey came too!

Mom and dad visit

Houston visit!!!

Mom and dad came on Thursday night and we have had a good time so far.
Friday was a full day at the hospital and this whole week is now
scheduled with appointments. On Friday night we ate at Good Co. BBQ on
the patio. Saturday we celebrated Whitneys 21st bday at Champs while
the A&M game was on. Not such a fan of aggies but I do enjoy seeing
the Jones children and friends. Today we went to church and then to
the Fine Arts Museum to see a new Moon exhibit. We are more cultured
now than when we woke up this morning. :)

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Houston Museum of Art